Thursday, April 30, 2009

Where in the World Are We?

I recently received an interesting e-mail from our friend Frank, a map maker, from Cortez, Colorado. The message read; Hi everyone, I am on my way to be interviewed by NPR for All Things Considered. Yes, I am as shocked as you must be! As some of you may have seen, there was a recent national "news" story published that stated the Four Corners Monument is 2 1/2 miles from where it should be. I guess there may, or may not have been a surveying error way back in 1869. Tune in to your local NPR station and listen in. We should have some fun with this. Cheers, Frank."

Four Corners National Monument.

The Four Corners is a major tourist attraction in our area. It is the only point in America where four states come together; thus the Four Corners designation. People from all over the world have stood, or sprawled, on the monument to have their pictures taken while in Utah, Colorado, New Mexico and Utah at the same time. Consider the implications of false documentation spread across the entire globe. It now seems that they may have been in only one state (New Mexico) after all.

The monument is located on the Colorado Plateau, just west of U.S. Highway 160; 40 miles southwest of Cortez . . . or near there anyway. It seems someone, somewhere, somehow figured that in 1868 E.N. Darling misfigured his coordinates. Because of a variance between the Prime Meridian and the Washington Meridian, our friend E. N. has been accused of being discombobulated and placing a concrete marker a couple miles from where it should have been. Now that creates a problem . . . I guess!

The Associated Press originally reported a misappropriation of land mass and then retracted the statement after being challenged by a more educated and much higher power. So, in actuality, there is not, was not and shall not be a problem after all. The American Survey Magazine got involved and found the original surveys were . . . accurate. Something about the fractional portion of the offset between the two meridians. Additionally, general U.S. land law principles and the Supreme Court determined the location of the Monument is the legal corner of the four states. Put your pictures back in the scrapbook, everything is as it should be. Those aged and untouchable judges that rise above have spoken.

They should have asked us. After a few dozen surveys here in Bluff, we know that nothing is where it should be in this country, and even when you do find it, it's not there anyway; legally that is. No worries, the Four Corners Monument is where it otta be, and you can find it any time you want or need to. Right there in the center of the Navajo Universe. Man, there are Coyote tracks all over and around this thing. Chaos reigns. Welcome to the Southwest!

You will still find Navajo and Ute artisans hawking their wares at the monument. Navajo and/or Ute tacos are also available. We recommend spending your time and money in Bluff though. You can be our E. N. Darling. We will love you no matter how confused you, or we, may be. There is no question where you are and where you should be here. We are an Obama endorsed stimulus zone. Oops sorry! I retract that statement. Darn justices and their overly opinionated opinions.

I just received a call from our good friend Stephanie in Pennsylvania. She advised us to buck-up and brace ourselves. It seems that the European Union Health Commissioner Androulla Vassiliou says EU health ministers will discuss possible travel restrictions at a meeting Thursday. Because of the Swine Flu pandemic we may be "oinked" off as an undesirable destination. Stinkin' pigs! First the mice and now the swine. I think the animals may be plotting against us. Whether you know, or think you know where you are or are trying to get where you think you should be, we are here and hope and pray you get here too. Y'all come if you can. There are very few pigs. . . here. I think!

With Warm Regards,
Barry, Steve and the Team.

Copyright 2009 Twin Rocks Trading Post.

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