Thursday, September 14, 2006

Inner Perceptions, Outer Reflections

The beauty, diversity and scenic elegance of the area surrounding our high desert home has, somehow, ingrained itself into my psyche. It seems that whenever I seek peace and quiet, and look for inner solace, I find myself lost in the landscape. I often envision myself sitting contentedly on a high mesa in the shadow of a slight, malformed juniper tree with just enough foliage to shade me from whatever the sky world might send my way.

Twin Rocks Modern Design Navajo Rug

I imagine myself reclining against a pockmarked, lichen-encrusted face of sandstone, deeply inhaling the aroma of the good earth and looking out across the landscape. In my mind, I witness a slightly out of focus watercolor world of flat topped mesas graduating in hue from rosy pink to deep purple, depending upon the distance they stand from my vantage point. Red rock canyons raggedly cut into the earth by eons of harsh red, scouring winds and scant but out of control bursts of rain water; stunted mountain ranges peppered with blue green smudges of juniper and pine on their flanks; and all sorts of oddly shaped bugaboos of sculpted rock are scattered about to add character and inanimate spice to the scenic menagerie.

I find parallels between the desert decor and the manner in which my brain interprets input. Whether it is unity I seek with the natural world, or simply a way to explain thought patterns which are otherwise indecipherable, as I gaze down into the maze of rock, sand and stunted vegetation, I realize a metamorphosis. The landscape helps me interpret my life and the myriad of emotion contained therein.

As with my Navajo neighbors, I see the world as directional, and associated with the color of the natural world. To the east, for example, I visualize purity and light, new beginnings, the birth of my children and the promise of a good, bountiful and productive life spread out before them. I also realize duty, because I am responsible for their presence here, I am honor-bound to prepare them to face that life with dignity, harmony and balance. With the glorious dawn and emergence of the Sun over this stark but multi-dimensional land, I see a promise for a brilliant future.

To the south, I see the depth of emotion surrounding my world. A deep blue warmth spreads through my being as I recognize the female form in the southern mountains and valleys. A productive area of artesian springs and fruitful lowlands spreading forth and holding at bay the harsh and rugged aspects of maleness pressing in from all sides. I visualize my wife working diligently at providing sustenance and comfort to her family, with very little thought of her own wants and needs. An opposite resides there that equalizes and combines to bring forth moderation and equality.

Through the valley, flanked by all manner of growth and energy, runs a red river symbolizing a life force greater than our own. It is a reminder of things we cannot explain or control, but must learn to accept and deal with on intangible terms. The river ebbs and flows, forever altering itself, showcasing different views to a wide and varied variety of humanity. Many interpret the flow to their own satisfaction, try to harness and tame it, claiming understanding. I see not one but many aspects of the river from my vantage point, and do not claim to totally understand any, but attempt to recognize all.

The west is a brilliant place with golden light, thoughtful meditation and hope. This landscape is older, more subtle and rounded, worn down by the ages but still full of wonder and promise. A comfortable region where the Sun rests at the end of each day, and where I must one day travel to find my own peace and answers to that which I struggle to understand in this earthly existence.

Behind me and to the north is a powerful place full of towering, desolate and frigid peaks accompanied by deep, dark, ominous valleys. I seldom gaze in this direction, because I fear it. Here is where I hold my aggression, the warrior in me dwells within this domain and is held at bay until needed. I realize that much caution and deliberation must be brought to bear before loosing one's personal beast. At times, this being can be extremely useful, but most often should be caged to prevent harm to oneself and others.

Twin Rocks Modern Design Rug

Also within this northerly fortress is contained overbearing emotion. Pain dwells here, also grief, sorrow and guilt; those feelings, which effect me most deeply, those which I recognize can destroy me from within. If left unfettered to ravage my psychological well-being, they render me useless; a negative influence on society instead of a positive force. I have noticed that I can never fully banish these emotions, but can learn from them and, hopefully, become a better human being from contemplating and recognizing their existence.

Overall the vantage point I mentally place myself on provides me with a more thoughtful perspective than simply wandering around aimlessly among the monuments. My high desert surroundings seem to absorb the negativity I naturally possess, and help me to focus positive energy. I realize there is much to know, but with the help of many diverse cultures and viewpoints I at least have a fighting chance at beginning to understand.

With warm regards,
Barry, Steve and the Team.

Copyright 2006 Twin Rocks Trading Post

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